
Advanced Media Offloader

Speed up your WordPress by Automatically Offload media files to Cloudflare R2, DigitalOcean Spaces, Amazon S3, etc.
최근 업데이트일
June 24, 2024
Advanced Media Offloader

Advanced Media Offloader automatically uploads media attachments from your WordPress site to an S3-compatible cloud storage, replacing the URLs appropriately to serve the media from the cloud. This can help reduce server load, increase page speed, and optimize media delivery.


  • Automatic upload of new media attachments to S3-compatible cloud storage.
  • Rewrites URLs for media files to serve them directly from cloud storage.
  • Provides hooks for further extension.

Using the S3 PHP SDK

The Advanced Media Offloader utilizes the AWS SDK for PHP to interact with S3-compatible cloud storage. This powerful SDK provides an easy-to-use API for managing your cloud storage operations, including file uploads, downloads, and more. The SDK is maintained by Amazon Web Services, ensuring high compatibility and performance with S3 services.

For more information about the AWS SDK for PHP, visit:

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