
Advanced Dewplayer

Get all MP3 files from any directory and show them with player with Perfect Layout and other options.
최근 업데이트일
May 11, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목
Advanced Dewplayer

Advanced Dewplayer is developed by WesternDeal allows you to show list of MP3’s on your site or blog by fetching them from single directory on your server. You have to use shortcode into your page/post with path of your MP3 folder from which you want to fetch all MP3 files and you will see a perfect playable list of MP3’s with much more options.


  • Get all MP3 files from single directory to display list of playable MP3s with other information and download option
  • You can also include single mp3 file from local or remote server
  • Plugin settings allows you to manage playing list of MP3s

MP3 files from single directory

You can use below shortcode for fetching all MP3’s from single directory on your site:

[musicdirectory path=”path of directory from which you want to fetch MP3’s”]

Examples 1. [musicdirectory path="myaudio/"] 2. [musicdirectory path="wp-content/myaudio/"]

Remember: Don’t forget to Include trailing slash (/) at the end of path and use relative path (relative to your site’s root).

For Documentation in PDF Please Click Here

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