Optimize WordPress admin navigation with a modal window to search for and navigate directly to WordPress admin pages.
최근 업데이트일
May 1, 2017
활성화된 설치 항목
Admin Command Palette

The Admin Command Palette (ACP) is a modal window in the WordPress Admin that live searches admin content, which saves you many clicks and page loads. You can:

  • Search for and navigate to user-generated content (Posts, Pages, Users, etc.).
  • Search for and navigate to WordPress Admin Pages (All Posts, Add New Post, etc.).
  • Perform WordPress Admin actions via the ACP or a keyboard shortcut (Publish, Add Media, View Post, etc.).

This plugin brings about a new level of efficiency to WordPress admin user interactions: it’s like the difference between going over a mountain via a pass, versus going through a mountain via a tunnel. The tunnel is always more direct, more efficient, and more straightforward than the pass.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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