
AdButler WordPress Plugin

Simplify the deployment of your AdButler Ads with this highly efficient widget based ad deployment plugin
최근 업데이트일
June 29, 2023
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AdButler WordPress Plugin

AdButler WordPress Plugin

The AdButler plugin will generate ad tags enabling you to configure and manage your AdButler ad zones directly from inside your WordPress administration widget area.

This plugin requires an AdButler account to utilize the plugin functionality. Using the AdButler system you can create publisher zones, advertisers and associated banners to help monetize your site and effortlessly manage your ad distribution and configuration.

Currently this plugin only allows the configuration of widgets within WordPress. Leaderboard formats and other dimensions outside the standard widget size are not currently supported. Ideal banner sizes are square or rectangle, but if your theme supports it the tags will as well.

Special Considerations

The AdButler Plugin communicates with the AdButler servers under two circumstances. 1. When the AdButler WordPress key is entered, a server to server call is made validating the key and storing basic adserving information for use in generating the tags. 1. During the creation and use of any widgets. At this point the widget makes a AJAX/jsonp call to the AdButler server requesting the current publishers and zones associated with the current account.

NOTE: In both of these instance the only information sent to the server is the AdButler WordPress key and any information returned in the first request. Additionally, no confidential or personal AdButler account information is exchanged.

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