
ABD Dashboard Widget Manager

Customize your WordPress administrator dashboard. You can choose which admin widgets to display, the user roles, and add your own dashboard content.
최근 업데이트일
August 10, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목

Take control of your admin dashboard!

This plugin gives you an easy way to customize your WordPress administrator dashboard.

  1. Select which user roles you’d like to customize.
  2. select which admin dashboard widgets you’d like to have displayed.
  3. You also get the option to show a new ‘custom widget’ which you can then add your desired content.

This custom widget is a great way to add documentation for your clients or leave notes for yourself right there on the admin dashboard when you or your users logs in. We use it for almost all of our clients so that they have documentation they need to manage their WordPress sites.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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