
WP ユーザーフロントエンド – 登録、ユーザープロフィール、メンバーシップ、コンテンツ制限、ユーザー ディレクトリ、およびフロントエンド投稿プラグイン

フロントエンドの投稿、コンテンツへのアクセス、およびアクセスを取得します。 制限、ユーザーログインおよび 登録、購読、および メンバーシップ、フォームビルダー、ユーザーディレクトリ、 …
June 11, 2024
WP ユーザーフロントエンド – 登録、ユーザープロフィール、メンバーシップ、コンテンツ制限、ユーザー ディレクトリ、およびフロントエンド投稿プラグイン

WP User Frontend makes the frontend better for you! It includes frontend dashboard, frontend editor, publishing, and uploader for WordPress user profile, post submissions, and memberships.


#1 Frontend Post Submission, Membership, Profile Builder & WordPress Editor Plugin

Unlimited post-type form creation. The forms give users the ability to create new posts and edit their profile all from the site frontend, so that the user does not need to enter the backend admin panel to do action.

Update Profile from the Frontend

This WordPress Profile Plugin allows registered users to edit their profile using default fields from frontend without having backend access. Unlimited fields can be added using PRO.

Flexibility for Admins

Admins can manage users from the frontend as well as configure from the backend who can access the dashboard.

Featured Image & Image Upload

Users can upload images from the frontend. They can also upload featured image for a post using the Image Upload option on the post content area.

Drag-and-drop Form Builder

Quickly build your form with necessary fields using drag-and-drops and real-time preview that updates as you make changes. You can also see how your form will look like eventually from the dashboard!

Publish Your WPUF Forms Using Gutenberg

WPUF ブロックを使用すると、公開されたフォームを Gutenberg エディターに簡単に追加できます。ユーザーがページ上にフォームを公開したい場合は、Gutenberg 専用の WPUF ブロックに含まれるドロップダウンからフォームを選択するだけです。フォーム全体がページ上だけでなくエディタ内でも自動的にレンダリングされます。ショートコードを手動でコピーして貼り付けるよりもはるかに簡単です。 時間とクリック数を大幅に節約します。ただし、ショートコードブロックを使用して古いスタイルで行うこともできます。

Use Forms Anywhere Easily with Shortcodes

All of the forms get an unique shortcode which you can paste on any page and the form will generate without breaking the style of your theme.

WordPress Guest Post Submission

WordPress ユーザー登録プラグインである WP User Frontend に登録せずに、ゲストがサイトのフロントエンドから投稿できるようにします。自動的に登録し、投稿にコメントできるようにするには、名前とメールアドレスを必須にすることを選択します。ゲストのメール認証を許可します。

Role Based Access Control

Enable certain user roles to make posts, while restricting others. Create the unauthorized message you want to show for the restricted users.

Submit and Update Anything from Frontend

Users can upload images, fill out forms, even enter data with multiple choice menus. Allow users to update their posts from the front end.

Build Customized Forms with Custom Post Types

Taking the advantage of custom post types will allow you to work on any platform. WP User Frontend is WooCommerce supported, so you can also create products for your WooCommerce site using our forms.

Set Post Status, Post Message, Update Post Button text

Assign separate default statuses for new posts or edited posts. Set the message you want to show to users after form submission, and change the text of submit buttons as you like.

Custom Redirection After Login and Submission

Redirect users to another page after logging in, form submission, or editing form submission.

Earn with Subscription Based Posting

Create subscription packs to earn through “Pay Per Post” payments. Submissions posted via these subscriptions have duration and posting limits.

Schedule Forms & Restrict Entries

Choose to keep your form active for certain dates. Set a message when the form expires. And limit entries to as many as required. The PRO version also allows setting up post expiration.

Get Reminded with Emails

Trigger emails on multiple events like new form submissions, guest posts, publish notifications, and new subscriptions. More email notifications can be set up with the PRO version.

Integrate with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

Connect form fields with ACF fields to view user submissions in ACF format from your dashboard. Allow users to edit fields from front end.

Create Subscription Packs, Pay-per-posts, & Receive Payments from Users

Create and subscribe users to membership packs, allow pay per post, force subscription package purchase, and set fallback pay per post charges with this WordPress Membership Plugin.

Manage Transactions and Membership

メンバーシップリクエストを承認するか保留のままにするかは、完全にコントロールできます。 単一の画面からすべての詳細を表示します。

フォームの管理とインポート / エクスポートが簡単

Install required WPUF pages in a click, delete post forms, registration forms, or subscriptions in one go. Import forms from other places and export forms as JSON.

Custom Login & Registration Form

This WordPress Registration Form Plugin also allows you to build registration forms using default templates. More fields can be added with PRO.

Display Custom Fields Data in Post

カスタムフィールド データは、単一投稿ページのフロントエンドで訪問者に表示されます。管理者は、カスタムフィールドを全員に表示したくない場合は、これを無効にすることもできます。

How to download and install WPUF FREE

Checkout all WP User Frontend resources:

Try an Online Demo of the FREE & PRO version.


  • Italian translation by Gabriele Lamberti
  • Persian translation by Abolfazl Esmailinejad
  • Turkish translation by mugurcagdas

WP User Frontend PRO – Premium Features

  • 20+ Modules [BuddyPress, Paid Memberships Pro, Social Login, User Directory, User Activity, Stripe, MailChimp, Private Messaging, HTML Email Templates & more]
  • Content restriction: Restrict or lock your exclusive content or pages or just a specific part of a content, based on registration, user roles, or subscriptions.
  • Menu restriction: Lock or hide your website’s menu links for certain users based on user roles, registration, or subscriptions.
  • Post expiration facility: Automatically take down published posts on your sites after a given time based on subscription packs or specific forms.
  • Conditional logic: Use conditional logic in your forms to show or hide fields, sections, and pages based on user selections.
  • Profile form builder: Build your own custom profile form with as many fields you need.
  • 20+ custom fields: Utilize fields like Text, Text Area, Dropdown, Multi Select, Hidden, Repeat, Phone, Time, Google Maps, and a lot more to customize your forms according to your requirements.
  • Custom taxonomy support: Use custom taxonomies for WooCommerce products. Use them as drop-down, multi-select, or check-box lists.
  • Post update notification: Get notified through email when an author updates a new post. Make the notification email dynamic using shortcodes.
  • マルチステップフォーム: フォームを設定から簡単にマルチステップに分割できます。
  • Payment invoice: For every successful transaction, an invoice is generated and emailed to the user. You can customize several fields of the invoice.
  • クーポン: サブスクリプション パックのクーポンを作成および管理します。
  • Personalized forms: Create different registration and profile edit forms for different user roles.
  • User profiles in backend: The custom elements you create in Profile Forms are generated in the admin profile area too.
  • Taxonomy restriction: Restrict users to post on a taxonomy/category based on subscription packs.
  • Form layouts and form templates: Quickly create forms from pre-defined templates. Drag-and-drop fields to customize it further. Vendor registration templates are available for Dokan, WC Marketplace, and WC Vendors.
  • WooCommerce support: Create a frontend interface to post and manage products of your WooCommerce powered site.
  • Registration form builder: Use templates or build with your own set of registration elements to register users on your site.
  • Assign new roles to forms: Create different registration forms for different user roles. New users will be assigned the role according to the form they used.
  • CAPTCHA サポート: Google reCAPTCHA または Really Simple CAPTCHA を使用してボットやスパム攻撃を防ぎます。
  • Update user profile information from frontend: No need to go to the backend to update your profile, do it from frontend.
  • Files & attachments upload: Let users upload files and attachments or embed playable audio & video files using Post Forms.
  • Avatar upload: Let users upload profile pictures. It supports Gravatar and locally uploaded avatars work side by side.
  • Frontend Customizer: Allows admins to customize colors and labels for some important frontend elements and features of WPUF.
  • More email notification options: Configure email notifications for the important events.
  • Tax in payments: Apply custom country and state-wise tax rates to: Pay Per Post Forms and Subscription Packs.

Premium Modules

Check out the full feature list and pricing plans here. of the Pro version.

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Privacy Policy

WP User Frontend uses Appsero SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user’s confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements.

Appsero SDK はデフォルトではデータを収集しません。SDK はユーザーが管理者通知を通じて許可した場合にのみ、基本的なテレメトリデータの収集を開始します。 すべてのユーザーに優れたユーザー エクスペリエンスを提供するためにデータを収集します。

Integrating Appsero SDK DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY start gathering data, without confirmation from users in any case.

無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、 の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。