'Changing the way you share', giving you an experience you have never had before...
November 4, 2012

WP-Thumbnail is a simple and neat WordPress Plugin that not only allows you to use a short-code to generate dynamic screenshot of webpages in your posts but also takes a realtime snapshot of the served webpage and saves a link to it on the page itself that too without burdening the servers. This helps in optimizing search results on Google by adding a thumbnail to the left of the search result snippet and makes shared posts more attractive, with a relevant thumbnails, on Social Sites like Facebook.

For more information, check out wp-thumbnail.robocasters.com.

Features include:

  • Short-Code – The plugin has a shortcode that enables you to add dynamic screenshots of webpages to your post.
  • Meta Thumbnail – It uses meta name thumbnail and adds the live screenshot in it for being displayed as a thumbnail in Google Searches.
  • PageMaps – PageMaps is a structured data format that provides Google with information about the data on a page. It enables website creators to embed data and notes in webpages.
  • Facebook OG:Image – It sets image with content og:image to the top priority for being used as a Facebook Post thumbnail.
  • WP-Thumbnail Class – It adds a WP-Thumbnail class that helps image to be used for all other sharing purposes.
無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、WordPress.com の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。