
Perfect Images (Manage Image Sizes, Thumbnails, Replace, Retina)

Optimize your images effortlessly. Replace, regenerate, resize, improve, transform, and achieve perfect images for your site.
June 23, 2024
Perfect Images (Manage Image Sizes, Thumbnails, Replace, Retina)

Take control of your images with Perfect Images! This powerful plugin helps you optimize and manage your images with ease. Easily replace or regenerate existing images in bulk, set custom sizes, improve performance, and create retina versions for high-quality displays. Plus, with features like CDN support and the ability to disable the image threshold, you can fine-tune your image management to suit your specific needs. Perfect Images is fast, does not create any new tables in your database, and is fully compatible with other plugins.

Here’s a closer look at the main features of Perfect Images:

  • Manage Image Sizes (Custom Sizes and Disable Sizes)
  • Replace Image & Media Entries
  • Regenerate Thumbnails
  • Retina Images / High DPI
  • CDN (with Image Optimization by EWWW)
  • Disable Image Threshold

Originally designed to handle retina images, Perfect Images has evolved to become a must-have tool for any WordPress site.

Manage Image Sizes

With this feature, you can easily disable any unnecessary sizes and keep track of the sizes created for each of your media entries. This allows you to streamline your image management and get rid of any unnecessary sizes that may be taking up space on your site. For example, you can disable the medium_large, 1536×1536, and 2048×2048 sizes that WordPress automatically creates, which are often unnecessary.

Replace Image & Media

This convenient tool allows you to quickly swap out an image for a new one, all from within the plugin’s dedicated dashboard, or directly from the Media Library or Edit Attachment pages. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually replacing images and streamline your media management.

Regenerate Thumbnails

This feature allows you to update your thumbnails en masse, with a convenient progress bar to keep you informed of the process. Plus, Perfect Images handles all the details, including regenerating your retina images and updating your media metadata as needed.

Retina Images / HighDPI

Make your website look stunning on high-DPI devices with Perfect Images. This plugin automatically generates and serves beautiful, crisp retina images to your visitors, ensuring that your site looks great on every device. Plus, with the option to manually generate retina images and the unique feature of creating retina images for full-size images, you’ll have everything you need to make your website stand out. Visit the official website for more information and tutorials on how to get the most out of this feature.

Disable Image Threshold

This plugin gives you the ability to disable WordPress’ automatic image scaling feature, which sometimes results in files with “-scaled” at the end of their filenames.

Pro Version

The Pro version adds support for Retina for full-size, support for lazy-loading for your responsive images and various options. And it supports my work 🙂


  1. Set your option (for instance, you probably don’t need retina images for every sizes set-up in your WP).
  2. Retina 画像を生成する (初回のみ必要で、以降は自動的に画像が生成されるようになります)。
  3. プラグインが動作しているか確認してください!もし上手く動かない場合は、よくある質問やチュートリアルを読んだり、フォーラムをチェックしてみてください。
無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、 の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。