
WP Media folders

WP Media Folders is a media management plugin that: Implement a real folder and media URL structure & Allow WP Media Folder plugin data import
September 6, 2021
WP Media folders

WP Media Folders is a media management plugin that: Implement a real folder and media URL structure & Allow WP Media Folder plugin data import


This plugin is not maintained anymore as all features have been reintegrated into WP Media Folder plugin from JoomUnited.

This plugin has been created at first to extend JoomUnited’s WP Media Folder plugin with actual file structure. They finally integrated this feature back in their core WP Media Folder plugin.

As the plugin had no other features, there is no reason to maintain it anymore.

WP Media Folders is a WordPress plugin with 2 main features:

Type a real media URL structure and the plugin will do the rest for you: create folder, sub folders, rename and move the media in the proper location. A new field is added on the media edition window that allows you to update the full path and name of all media. The old media URL will be also replaced automatically in the databases tables to avoid any broken links.

Import and synchronize media structure (folders and sub-folders) with the JoomUnited plugin, WP Media Folder. WP Media Folder allows media management using virtual folders (custom taxonomy) in the WordPress Media Library. This plugin will create real server folders based on that.

Important notes and referral: • This plugin does NOT require WP Media Folder plugin to create real media folder structure but provide an optional integration with it • Make sure you run a FULL BACKUP before activating and using this plugin, its purpose is related to a very sensitive WordPress core way of working • WP Media Folder from JoomUnited:

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