
Mail logging – WP Mail Catcher

Stop from ever losing your emails again! This fast, lightweight plugin (under 140kb in size!) is also useful for debugging or backing up your messages
June 8, 2024
Mail logging – WP Mail Catcher



通常の WordPress インターフェースを介して、すべてのフォーム送信の表示および管理を行います。メールの送信に失敗した? そんな時はワンクリックで、バックアップされたメールを再送信できます。

WordPress インターフェースから直接メールを送信します。添付ファイルもサポートしています。



  • セットアップ不要 – インストールするだけですぐに使用可能
  • ミニマル – サイトの重量を減らすため使用しない過剰な機能はなし – サイズは140KB未満!
  • Excel やその他のプログラムで簡単に利用できるように CSV でEメールを一括エクスポート
  • 使い慣れた WordPress の操作で新しいメールを作成
  • メールをまとめて再送信
  • デバッグ – 発生したエラーとともにメール送信に関与したファイルとコード行を正確に確認
  • ログを表示できるユーザー権限を管理
  • 指定されたタイミングで定期的にログを消去 – または恒久的に保持
  • メール送信で問題が発生したら通知が必要ですか? 私たちはまさにそのためのフックを用意しています
  • 完全無料


  • wp_mail_catcher_mail_success is triggered when a message is sent and logged successfully. It has a single argument that is an array containing the log
    • id related to the id in the mail_catcher_logs MySQL table
    • time relative, readable time to when the log was saved
    • email_to the email address(es) that the message was sent to
    • subject the subject line of the message
    • message the contents of the message
    • status an integer depicting if the message was sent successfully or not (1 = sent successfully. 0 = sending failed)
    • error the error that occurred – if any
    • backtrace_segment a json_encoded object that shows which file and line the mail was initially triggered from
    • attachments a list of any attachments that were sent along with the email
    • additional_headers a list of any headers that were sent
    • attachment_file_paths a list of the location of any attachments that were sent
    • timestamp a unix timestamp of when the email was sent
    • is_html a boolean, that will be true if the message is a html email and false if not
    • email_from the from value of the email
  • wp_mail_catcher_mail_failed is triggered when a message failed to send and logged successfully. It has a single argument that is an array containing the log (same as the arguments for wp_mail_catcher_mail_success)
  • wp_mail_catcher_deletion_intervals is a filter that should return an array where each key is an amount of time in seconds, and the value is the label. Used to determine when a message has expired and should be deleted
  • wp_mail_catcher_before_success_log_save is a filter that is called just before a successful log is saved. It has a single argument that is the transformed log that will be saved – use this to alter the log before it’s saved. Returning false will stop the log from being saved. Also note that this is fired even when an email has errored, because all logs are initially saved as “successful” before being possibly updated with an error (if applicable). This is because of the way the wp_mail and wp_mail_failed are implemented in WordPress.
    • time a unix timestamp of when the email was sent
    • email_to the email address(es) that the message was sent to
    • subject the subject line of the message
    • message the contents of the message
    • backtrace_segment an array that shows which file and line the mail was initially triggered from
  • wp_mail_catcher_before_error_log_save
    • time a unix timestamp of when the email was sent
    • email_to the email address(es) that the message was sent to
    • subject the subject line of the message
    • message the contents of the message
    • backtrace_segment an array that shows which file and line the mail was initially triggered from
    • error the error that occurred
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