
WP Job Manager - WC Paid Listings

Paid listing functionality powered by WooCommerce. Create custom job packages which can be purchased during job submission.
June 28, 2024
Integrate WP Job Manager with WooCommerce to add paid listing functionality. Sell Job Packages (a new product type) either in your store or as part of the job submission process. Job Packages can be given pricing just like regular products, and can be customized to allow users to submit multiple job listings with a single pack, create featured listings, and create listings with varying expirations. You can even offer several packs and pricing options at once – all jobs packs will be visible during the job submission process. Users can choose to buy packs during submission Purchasing job packs forces checkout during registration so that they are associated with the user’s account. Purchased job packs are then displayed on their account page. The purchased packages section Features:
  • Checkout/Purchase job packages via WooCommerce
  • Sell job packs which can create multiple listings
  • Sell job packs which create featured job listings
  • Sell job packs which create jobs that expire after a predefined period
Allow self-service paid-for job adverts.  
ご希望のプラグインを選んでいただければ、 あとは にお任せください。

プレミアムプラグインは、 のチームによるフルマネージド型サービスです。セキュリティパッチはありません。更新の問題もありません。しっかりと機能します。

何千ものプラグイン のプレミアムプラグインから、コミュニティで作成された何千ものプラグインまで、あらゆるニーズに対応します。


早期に支払いの場合は、割引価格になります。 月払いのプレミアムプラグイン料金で、柔軟に利用することもできます。 お客様のニーズに合わせて選んでいただけます。