
User IP and Location

User IP and Location is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily display your website visitor's real-time location, IP address, and other …
April 24, 2024
User IP and Location

If you’re looking to display publicly available information such as visitors’ IP address, IP location, browser details, operating system, and more on your WordPress website, “User IP and Location” is an excellent plugin to use.

Setting up the plugin is a breeze, and the provided shortcodes allow you to effortlessly display this information on any section of your site. You could, for instance, add a shortcode to your sidebar or footer to showcase this information on every page of your website.

“User IP and Location” use the IP-API website to fetch the user’s IP address and location information, so it is always up-to-date.

Some of the features of User IP and Location include:

[userip_location type="ip"] [userip_location type="continent"] [userip_location type="country"] [userip_location type="countrycode"] [userip_location type="region"] [userip_location type="regionname"] [userip_location type="city"] [userip_location type="lat"] [userip_location type="lon"] [userip_location type="timezone"] [userip_location type="currency"] [userip_location type="isp"] [userip_location type="mobile"] [userip_location type="proxy"] [userip_location type="hosting"] [userip_location type="browser"] [userip_location type="os"] [userip_location type="flag" height="auto" width="50px"]

If you’re using the flag shortcode in User IP and Location plugin, note that the height and width parameters are optional. By default, the height is set to auto, and the width is set to 50px. However, you can modify the size of the flag by passing any or both of these parameters and setting them to your preferred values.

Features of User IP and Location

  • Simple and quick to setup.
  • Can be used to display the IP address, location, browser details, operating system, and more details of the website visitors.
  • Uses the IP-API website to fetch user’s IP address and location, so it is always up-to-date.
  • Easily detect the browser and operating system of your website visitors.
  • Shortcodes can be used to display this information anywhere on your site.
  • Supports flag and currency shortcodes.

If you want an easy way to display visitor IP address, location, browser, and operating system information on your WordPress website, then User IP and Location is a great plugin to use.


This plugin is created by HeySERP and TheWPX team.

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無料Creator プランを利用中
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このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。