
Reading Time and Progress Bar

A simple WordPress plugin that displays the estimated reading time and a progress bar at the top of your blog posts as readers scroll through.
June 10, 2024
Reading Time and Progress Bar

Reading Time and Progress Bar is a WordPress plugin designed to enhance reader engagement and provide a better user experience on blogs. It automatically calculates the estimated reading time for each post and displays a progress bar at the top of the page, which fills as the reader scrolls through the content.

This plugin is easy to set up and compatible with any WordPress theme, ensuring that all users can benefit from its features without any coding knowledge required.

Arbitrary section

You can extend the functionality of this plugin by adding custom CSS to style the progress bar and adjust the reading time calculation per your preferences.

A brief Markdown Example

Ordered list: 1. Some feature 2. Another feature 3. Yet another feature

Code block: function example_function() { return ‘This is a code block’; }

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無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、 の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。