
Contact widget –

Generate your own contact widget and paste it to your Wordpress page. Gather information about clients and automatically transfer it to your Ocl CRM s …
April 27, 2021

This plugin is all you need to add a contact widget to your WordPress website. It is very easy to set up and there is no coding required. Just follow the simple instruction, fill in the details in configuration tab and integrate the Ocl contact widget to your website!

After these simple steps, you will be ready to gather information from clients.

Contact widget

  • Customisable widget fields
  • You choose the data you want to collect
  • Contact widget is automatically added to your website
  • You can switch it on/off any time you want


  • All data is transferred to Ocl CRM system
  • You can process collected data with the help of Ocl features

Further Reading

For more info, check out the following links:

How to install and activate the plugin

Please see our step by step instructions guide on how to install and use this plugin.

From within WordPress

  1. Go to Plugins > Add New
  2. Search by for Oclto
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins page


  1. Upload the contact-widget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin from your Plugins page

How to set up your contact widget account

  1. Look for Ocl widget in your WordPress menu
  2. Go to configuration tab and follow the link on the banner to create ocl account (if you do not have one already)
  3. After that follow the second link and log in to the system using your Ocl credentials
  4. Generate widget code inside the system and paste it to your WordPress plugin menu
無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、 の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。