
Kush Micro News

Spread the news in shortest possible way. Use links to refer complete article and title to concise it.
June 2, 2016
Kush Micro News

Spread the news in shortest possible way. Use links to refer subjective data and title to concise it, a short excerpt of that news will be added with it to let user know what that news is about.

Don’t you hate it when you want to publish something new that you have recently heard or read somewhere and you don’t have enough time to write about the same topic again? When you can complete your message in a single sentence then why to write whole page without any sense?

For this, “Kush Micro News” comes to rescue. You just have to put title, little description of 1-2 lines and a reference link. Thats it!

All this data will not be published as posts in your wordpress because of which Google will not point you out for incomplete/less content on pages. A separate table will be created while installing plugin which stores all your wordpress micro news. Advised to add in sidebar or small block, because thats how it is styled in css. No separate page will be created of micro news you are going to post, to avoid unnecessary cluttering of content.

Updates Coming soon !

How much better can a plugin be? Wait there is more :

  • You can add new news from your wordpress panel with easy GUI interface.
  • Edit/Delete old news if you have messed up something.
  • It is already styled with cool rainbow like colors(not kidding).
  • Can be installed anywhere, but looks good in sidebar.
  • Comes with widget, can be placed where you like.
  • Colors of text and title can be changed from settings.
  • Shortcode to output news in post and pages.
  • Developed and maintained by a single guy, so be kind while reporting bugs and don’t forget to rate. Thats it!

Arbitrary section

In settings section you have multiple choices to opt, each of them serve a purpose which are :

  • Number of news to display — The number of micro news which is going to be displayed on output. This can be manually given in function too : For eg – kush_micro_news_output(5);

  • Enable Colorful Borders — Uused to enable and disable borders comes on the left side of each news.

  • Enable link hover effect — Enable and disable hover effect comes over Refer Link.

  • Text and Title color — You can change the color of news text and title from available options but if you want to add your own then use hexadecimal format. Eg. #E2E2E2

  • Allow HTML parsing while adding news — This enable and disable HTML parsing when you are going to add new news or update an old one. If the box is checked, then all html tags will be parsed as DOM. But if it is disabled then HTML tags will treat as HTML entities. Try not to use improper markup if HTML parsing is enabled otherwise it could break up your whole site. Note: Also avoid using heading tags in title, because it will overide my default heading tag and mess up markup. Note: When HTML parsing is disabled, any new line or line break will be converted to tag automatically. When you try to edit this news, you will see tags along with excerpt. To make them work, enable HTML parsing again just before updating.

  • Access — Sites with multiple type of user access, i.e. administrator and editor, can use plugin. Once administrator enables this option, editors has full control over the plugin posts as well as settings.

  • Styling — If you want to customize the look of this plugin, feel free to do so by editing CSS file present in “assets/css/style.css”. For now you have to do it manually, later i will add GUI interface of customizing it.

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