Hot Sheet allows you to feature posts in your sidebar up to an specific date.
July 26, 2019
Hot Sheet

Hot Sheet is a widget for WordPress that allows you to feature specific posts in your sidebar or other widget areas up to an easily configured date. After that date, they simply fall off. If all posts are allowed to expire, the widget hides itself until more posts are added.

It adds a Hot Sheet box to the add/edit post page. If you want a post to appear on the Hot Sheet, enter the date it should display until (e.g. 12/25/2010). Hot Sheet will find all the posts with unexpired dates and display them in date-increasing order.

You can also customize the widget title to better integrate into your website.

無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、 の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。