
GTM for WooCommerce FREE – Google Tag Manager Integration

Enable new growth channels for WooCommerce with GA4, Facebook Pixel and Consent Mode ready GTM integration. Use packaged GTM presets for quick install …
June 3, 2024

Tracking eCommerce events via Google Tag Manager and DataLayer makes adding new growth channels a straighforward task. Regardless of a number of connected platforms the data quality and events coverage stays the same.

This plugin, once activated, starts pushing standard GA4 eCommerce events into GTM DataLayer. Once the data is there you can leverage powerful GTM integrations to connect virtually any analytics or marketing platform or tool, even if you’re undecided on your choice.

To speed up the process, our plugin offers pre-packaged integrations for GA4 and Facebook Pixel. You can be up and running in minutes, bypassing the need for extensive GTM configuration. See how it works here:

Check live demo here (perform typical shop activities – add to cart, purchase – to see how events are triggered). This demo showcase all PRO plugin features – FREE version is limited to 2 events listed below.

More information and documentation can be found here.

Example scenarios

  1. Analyse eCommerce behaviors and study your sales funnel in Google Analytics (GA4 supported)
  2. Get most out of Facebook and Instagram paid campaigns with conversion tracking
  3. Optimise your Google Ads campaigns with enhanced conversion (requires PRO version)
  4. Expand to new platforms with TikTok, Pinterest and Microsoft UET presets (requires PRO version)

Supported events

After the plugin is installed it automatically tracks the following events:

  • Add To Cart
  • Purchase

Which are a great base for conversion measurements and analysing sales funnels related to cart behavior.

For full eCommerce events coverage, improved handling and professional support buy PRO version.

Advantage over alternative solutions

Only one plugin needed

Without GTM for WooCommerce plugin, you would need a separate plugin for each of those integrations. And each additional plugin may make your WordPress setup more complex. With GTM for WooCommerce, all data is sent in standardized Google format to GTM and everything else is configured there.

Reporting consistency

A common problem when trying to use other GTM and Google Analytics plugins is that data can be sent twice corrupting analytics reporting. Using DataLayer is a standard way to ensure your tracking information stays consistent across all connected tools.

Google Consent Mode v2

Using GTM and dataLayer allows to build more complex scenarios, such as only processing the data after obtaining user consent. Other plugin directly pipe events into target system no matter if required permission was given or not.

無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、 の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。