Glossy allows you to define information text that can be used throughout your site with a simple shortcode.
October 1, 2013

Glossy provides an easy way to insert predefined text for use throughout your site. If Tippy is installed, definitions can show via a tooltip. Provides an easy way to specify if tooltips should show in a tooltip or inline by default. Also provides a shortcode attribute for changing the inline setting on a per-term basis.

Glossy adds the shortcodes gs and glossy. For example:

[gs NYSE] – this is the quick way. [glossy term=”NYSE”] – a longer form, does the same as [gs NYSE]

You can also specify the inline attribute:

[glossy term=”NYSE” inline=”false”] – show the definition in a tooltip [glossy term=”NYSE” inline=”true”] – show the definition in the body of your post content. [gs inline=”true” nyse] – Same as above.

Terms are defined in the WordPress dashboard and can be used throughout your site.

The tooltip is created by the Tippy plugin, so showing definitions in a tooltip requires Tippy in order to work.

If you want to create a page that shows visitors an index of all your Glossy entries, use the [glossyindex] shortcode. Just insert [glossyindex] into any post or page and it will take care of the rest. By default, it shows a header with an index of first characters. You can turn it off by using [glossyindex header=”off”]

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