Counts the number of users, categories, posts, comments, pages, links, tags, link-categories, words in posts, words in comments and words in pages.
November 9, 2017
  • fully settings page configurable with GUI or manually
  • easy to integrate (ships with multi/sidebar- and dashboard-widget functionality)
  • possible to integrate in “Right Now” box or to display as widget on the dashboard
  • high performing with caching technology and customizable memory usage
  • cache-purge mechanism via actions (triggers) for other plugins
  • optional Ajax refresh with jQuery
  • fully compatible with https/SSL/TLS-sites
  • stats-update by e-mail
  • API for developers
  • fully multisite network compatible
  • clean uninstall

Please find the version for WordPress

Plugin’s website:

Author’s website: Attention! – Geeks’ stuff ahead! 😉


With GeneralStats 2.00 and higher you can use a function-call to display individual stat(-blocks) on different positions on your page.

Parameters can either be passed as an array or a URL query type string (e.g. “display=0&format=0”). Please note that WordPress parses all arguments as strings, thus booleans have to be 0 or 1 if used in query type strings whereas for arrays real booleans should be used. Furthermore you have to use the prefix stats_ to select different stats in a query_string. – For example: stat_0=Community&stat_12=Pages Word-Count.

function $generalstats->count($params=array())


  • stat: a stat-id of the following list

    • 0 => ‘Users’
    • 1 => ‘Categories’
    • 2 => ‘Posts’
    • 3 => ‘Comments’
    • 4 => ‘Pages’
    • 5 => ‘Links’
    • 6 => ‘Tags’
    • 7 => ‘Link-Categories’
    • 10 => ‘Words_in_Posts’
    • 11 => ‘Words_in_Comments’
    • 12 => ‘Words_in_Pages’
  • thousands_separator: divides counts by thousand delimiters; default , => e.g. 1,386,267

  • display: if you want to return the stats-information (e.g. for storing in a variable) instead of echoing it with this function-call, set this to false; default setting is true

  • format_container: This option can be used to format the span container with css. Please note, that it should only be used to provide individual formats in case the class-style itself cannot be changed.

  • no_refresh: If set to true, GeneralStats will not produce any Ajax-Refresh-code, even if you have enabled the Ajax refresh in the admin menu.

The following example outputs the number of post tags:

<?php global $generalstats; $generalstats->count('stat=6'); ?>

function $generalstats->output($params=array())


  • stat_selected: this array has to hold the id of the selected stat as key and the description as array-value, e.g. 6 => 'Post-Tags'; fallback to selected stats in Admin Menu

    • 0 => ‘Users’
    • 1 => ‘Categories’
    • 2 => ‘Posts’
    • 3 => ‘Comments’
    • 4 => ‘Pages’
    • 5 => ‘Links’
    • 6 => ‘Tags’
    • 7 => ‘Link-Categories’
    • 10 => ‘Words_in_Posts’
    • 11 => ‘Words_in_Comments’
    • 12 => ‘Words_in_Pages’
  • before_list: default <ul>

  • after_list: default </ul>

  • format_stat: default <li><strong>%name</strong> %count</li>, %name and %count will be replaced by the attributes of the stat-entry

  • thousands_separator: divides numbers by thousand delimiters default , => e.g. 1,386,267

  • use_container: if set to true (default value) and the same selected stats and format is used as set in the admin menu, GeneralStats wraps the output in a html div with the class generalstats-refreshable-output – the class generalstats-output will be used for all other output; if you set use_container to false, no container div will be generated

  • display: if you want to return the stats-information (e.g. for storing in a variable) instead of echoing it with this function-call, set this to false; default setting is true

  • format_container: This option can be used to format the div container with css. Please note, that it should only be used to provide individual formats in case the class-style itself cannot be changed.

  • no_refresh: If set to true, GeneralStats will not produce any Ajax-Refresh-code, even if you have enabled the Ajax refresh in the admin menu.

The following example outputs the users and posts-counts with the title ‘Community-Members’ and ‘My Post-Count’:

<?php global $generalstats; $params=array( 'stats_selected' => array( 0 => 'Community-Members', 2 => 'My Post-Count' ) ); $generalstats->output($params); ?>


How-to for shortcodes

General Example:

Enter the following text anywhere in a post or page to show your current pages-count:

There are [generalstats_count stat=4] pages on my weblog

Available Shortcodes:


Invokes $generalstats->output($params). Please note that you have to use the prefix stats_ to select stats. – For example: stat_0="Community" stat_12="Pages Word-Count"


Invokes $generalstats->count($params).


How-To for filters

Available Filters:


In case you want to set the default parameters globally rather than handing them over on every function call, you can add the filter generalstats_defaults in for example generalstats.php or your own customization plugin (recommended).

Please note that parameters which you hand over to a function call ($generalstats->output or $generalstats->count) will always override the defaults parameters, even if they have been set by a filter or in the admin menu.


Receives an array which is used for the dashboard-widget-function call to $generalstats->output($params). display and use_container will automatically be set to true.


Receives an array which is used for the dashboard-right-now-box-function call to $generalstats->output($params). display and use_container will automatically be set to true.


Receives an array which is used for the mail-stats-function call to $generalstats->output($params). display and use_container will automatically be set to false.

Available Actions:


Gets triggered by GeneralStats’ forced cache refresh; receives a stat-id as parameter.


Gets triggered by GeneralStats’ forced cache refresh; receives an array with stat-ids as parameter.

無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、 の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。