
CSS JS Manager, Async JavaScript, Defer Render Blocking CSS supports WooCommerce

CSS JS Manager, Async JavaScript, Defer Render Blocking CSS, Remove javascript, Remove CSS, Defer Render Blocking CSS, Both CSS and JS can be loaded A …
June 27, 2024
CSS JS Manager, Async JavaScript, Defer Render Blocking CSS supports WooCommerce


  • Load / remove css or js if the request is from a mobile device
  • Load / remove css or js if the request is from a desktop device
  • Defer Loading of CSS file
  • Load any JS file Async or Defer
  • Remove any JS from all the pages, or on some pages based on various conditional rules
  • Remove any CSS file from all the pages, or on some pages based on various conditional rules
  • Async any JS file on all the pages or on selective pages
  • You can remove or add JS file based on post type
  • You can remove or add CSS file based on post type
  • You can remove or add JS file based on page id
  • You can remove or add CSS file based on page id

Manage critical css

Now you can load different critical css for different pages or post or custom post type and optimize your site for speed

Step 1: Go to CSS JS Manager >> Critical CSS setting select the post type where you want to use the Critical CSS, Say you want to use it on Post, Product

Step 2: go to Critical CSS >> Add New Critical css you can add as many critical css as you want Say you want to have Different critical css for home page, and post, and product so you will create 3 different critical css and load the critical css There

Use this to generate critical css

Step 3: Go to respective post or page where you will like to use those critical css and select them

How to Defer Render Blocking CSS using CSS JS Manager?

How to remove CSS file from complete website or particular page?

The same steps apply to JS as well just add JS link and select JS from the Drop drop down

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