
Codepress Menu

Allows you to display a sub-menu, it's depth from there on and gives you control over the menu-item classes.
August 2, 2013

Uses the native wp_nav_menu(). Add parameters to the wp_nav_menu() to enable functionality. Also, ships with one-click delete menu-items in the WordPress admin. Turned off or on using the screen-options. Sweet.


This will get the first sub-menu from the active branch and 2 levels beyond (menu + sub-menu + sub-menu):

wp_nav_menu( array( 'level' => 2, 'depth' => 3 ));

Show the current branch only:

wp_nav_menu( array( 'level' => 1 ));

Aimed on simple use in various use cases:

// display first level in the header wp_nav_menu( array( 'depth' => 1 )); // display first sub-menu from the current branch somewhere else wp_nav_menu( array( 'depth' => 2, 'level' => 2 ));

Another feature is it’s control over the css classes that are given to a menu-item. You might be faced with css selectors which you cannot change. The ‘codepress_menu_filter_classes’ filter can be used in your functions.php to set the class property:

/** * Change the classes of a menu item * * @param array $classes List current classes * @param object $item Current menu item * @param array $items Current list of items (per level) * @param integer $k Key of the current item in $items */ function codepress_menu_item_classes( $classes, $item, $items, $k ) { // mark the first item if ( reset( $items ) == $items[ $k ] ) $classes[] = 'first'; // mark the last item if ( end( $items ) == $items[ $k ] ) $classes[] = 'last'; // map the WordPress default 'current-menu-item' class to 'active' if ( in_array( 'current-menu-item', $classes ) ) $classes[] = 'active'; return $classes; } add_filter( 'codepress_menu_item_classes', 'codepress_menu_item_classes', 10, 4 );

Simple Menu Delete

It ships with one-click delete menu-items within WordPress. This functionality was integrated from our Simple Menu Delete plugin and enhanced a bit:

  • Turned off or on using the screen-options.
  • Display is more in line with WordPress’s way of delete-links.
  • Works exactly the same now as the nested delete-link which is a click further inside the menu item.
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