
Byte's PHP Code Widget

Mix HTML and PHP in a widget with mobile support.
November 12, 2013

This is a widget plugin that allow’s you to mix PHP and html code with mobile support. Two text area’s are provided. The first is the standard “Title”. The one named “Code:” can mix PHP and html. Two checkboxes allow you to choose before and/or after posts. No limit on the number of widgets.

WordPress version 3.4 and higher has defined a function called wp_is_mobile(). This can be used inside your code mix to perform certain actions if the browser is mobile. Mobile support is via wp_is_mobile() function which returns true if on a mobile browser. See the WordPress API for more information.

Dynamic title support means that you can name your widget using the title field and not have it displayed in the output. This is useful to give your widgets meaningful names so you don’t lose track of what is going on with your widgets.

Two variables have been defined for use with Google Mobile Adsense:

$myMobileAdsenseCode; $myMobileAdsenseSlot;

This widget requires some knowledge of PHP and HTML coding. Misuse could crash your site or cause errors with Adsense.


Output: 5

To use Google mobile adsense include the following in the “Code:” area:

The plugin will take care of the rest. Another check is made to ensure that wp_is_mobile is true inside the plugin and that the Google Adsense variable has a value.

You can combine both regular and mobile adsense. Be careful.

The following snippet will either show mobile or regular ads depending on the browswer used by the end-user.

< ?php if ( !wp_is_mobile() ) { echo '

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ‘;} else { $myMobileAdsenseClient=’ca-mb-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxx’; $myMobileAdsenseSlot=’xxxxxxxxxx’; }?>

Ordered list:

  1. Support for the mixing of PHP and HTML
  2. Support for mobile browsers
  3. Support for Google Adsense including mobilie
  4. Includes “before post” support
  5. Includes “after post” support
  6. No limit on the number of widgets
  7. Includes dynamic title support in sidebars

Unordered list:

  • Support for the mixing of PHP and HTML
  • Support for mobile browsers
  • Support for Google adsense including mobile
  • Includes support for “before post”
  • Includes support for “after post”
  • No limit on the number of widgets
  • Include dynamic title support in sidebars

Link to [WordPress]( \”Your favorite software\”) and one to [Markdown\’s Syntax Documentation][markdown syntax].

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