
BuddyPress SMF Import

Imports boards and users from SMF 1.1x forums to BuddyPress (forums) / WordPress (users)
September 10, 2010

This plugin imports boards and users from SMF 1.1x forums to BuddyPress (forums) / WordPress (users)


  • Preserves current WordPress users if name exists
  • Create groups for forums after import (optional)
  • Main plugin adds admin panel for all functions
  • Separate plugin successively converts the sha-1 encoded passwords from SMF on user login
  • Includes php script that can be put into old forum directory for redirection to new topic locations

Known issues:

  • Only intended for initial forum imports, it clears all current forums before importing due to the initial 0.7.3 db format requirement (users/groups etc. are kept intact)
  • Depending on forum size, the PHP memory and exec time requirements can be a bit high

The plugin is based on a modified phpbb import PHP script for bbpress 0.7.3. It uses its own version of bbpress to convert from the initial 0.7.3 bbpress db format to a buddypress compatible one.

無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、 の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。