

10 プラグイン
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    Easy Random Quotes
    投稿者: Kailey Lampert
    Insert quotes and pull them randomly into your pages and posts (via shortcodes) or your template (via template tags).
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    XV Random Quotes
    投稿者: Xavi Ivars
    Displays and rotates quotes and expressions anywhere on your blog. Easy to customize and manage. Multiuser-powered. Ajax enabled.
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    mg Quotes
    投稿者: Giulio 'mgiulio' Mainardi
    Manage and publish your favorite quotes with WordPress
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    Free Quotation
    投稿者: Krzysztof Kubiak
    Do you need display quotes or tips on your page? Free Quotation give you posibility to use CSV files with quotation, Wiciquotes or add quote manually …
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    Spanish Quote of the Day
    投稿者: Joan Miquel Viadé
    Spanish Quote of the Day shows a random spanish quote from the todopensamientos.com database in your themes.
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    WP Random Quote
    投稿者: Sabirul Mostofa
    Display a random quote provided by QOTD.org in your sidebar as a widget or in a page/post using a shortcode. For more info:www.qotd.org/wp-plugin.html
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    Random Business Quotes
    投稿者: MentorBit
    The Random Business Quotes plugin is a widget that displays responsive business and startup quotes on the sidebar/widgets area.
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    Quote Of The Moment
    投稿者: Neil Porter
    A widgetized and themeable inspirational quote plugin.
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    投稿者: jfcby
    Create a list of quotes and then display a random quote or specific quote.
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    Daily Quotes by Jar of Quotes
    投稿者: Jar of Quotes
    This plugin enables your website to display daily quotes on sidebars.