

15 プラグイン
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    Press This New Post
    投稿者: Drew Jaynes
    Adds a 'Press This' item to the '+ New' drop-down in the Toolbar for directly accessing Press This.
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    Parsedown for WordPress
    投稿者: Robin Adrianse
    This plugin processes your posts and comments using the Parsedown library. It is a direct replacement for PHP Markdown Extra by Michel Fortin.
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    Advance Guest Post
    投稿者: cybergeekshop
    This plugin help your visitor to publish post and from frontend anywhere on your site. this plugin have so many feature like guest posting, captcha, u …
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    Post via Dropbox
    投稿者: Paolo Bernardi
    Post via Dropbox allows you to post or edit your blog with text files uploaded via Dropbox. It just works seamlessly without any effort.
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    A Broad Hint
    投稿者: Eric-Oliver Mächler (http://www.chefblogger.me)
    Mit diesem Plugin bindet man vor oder nach jedem Beitrag ein kleinen Text/Banner ein um so auf etwas Aufmerksam zu machen.
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    Sidebar Posting
    投稿者: Janvier M @ CODIIV
    This plugin allows your visitors (logged in OR Not) to submit posts to your site via a simple sidebar widget form.
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    German Posting Filter Plugin
    投稿者: Dr. Dominic Lindner
    Mit diesem Plugin können Sie gewisse Blogbeiträge für ausgewählte deutschsprachige Länder ausblenden.
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    Markdown Display by Logic Hop
    投稿者: Logic Hop
    Markdown Display by Logic Hop renders markdown as HTML using Parsedown, a Markdown processor written in PHP.
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    Plugin for video auto-posting from Vidfuse application.
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    Simple Drop-ins
    投稿者: Rosdyana Kusuma
    This plugin is using API of Dropbox. You can choose your file and put the link of your file in your dropbox account into Wordress posting.
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    投稿者: Jerome Covington
    Provides a full browser window view of the post edit screen, for an uncluttered posting experience.
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    Online.ua From WP Posting
    投稿者: Online.ua
    Plugin «Online.ua From WP Posting» you can influence the automatic publication of records from Your Wordpress of bloga on the on-line-wall.
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    投稿者: Jeremy B. Merrill
    Enables a shortcode, [debate], that allows multiple blog contributors to add their contributions to a discussion.
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    投稿者: Robert Milasan
    This plugin sends Twitter updates on new or edited posts, uses buh.bz.
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    Twitter Swell
    投稿者: icyleaf
    You coult post message to your Twitter and show it.