

14 プラグイン
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    Safe SVG
    投稿者: 10up
    Enable SVG uploads and sanitize them to stop XML/SVG vulnerabilities in your WordPress website.
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    WP Add Mime Types
    投稿者: Kimiya Kitani
    このプラグインは、WordPressへ MIME タイプと拡張子を追加で許可します。
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    File Upload Types by WPForms
    投稿者: WPForms
    Easily allow WordPress to accept and upload any file type extension or MIME type, including custom file types.
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    Disable Real MIME Check
    投稿者: Sergey Biryukov
    Restores the ability to upload non-image files in WordPress 4.7.1 and 4.7.2.
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    Lord of the Files: Enhanced Upload Security
    投稿者: Blobfolio, LLC
    This plugin expands file-related security and sanity around the upload process.
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    PJW Mime Config
    投稿者: Peter Westwood
    This plugin allows you to configure extra mime-types for support by the inline-uploader.
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    AP Extended MIME Types
    投稿者: Josh Maxwell (Ardent Pixels)
    This plugin extends the allowed uploadable MIME types to include a WIDE range of file types. Created specifically for WPMS...
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    Restrict WP Upload Type
    投稿者: Kushang Tailor
    This plugin is use for to allow and disallow different upload file Mime types to the Wordpress Media Library. Easy to use and flexible.
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    投稿者: Kimiya Kitani
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    Add more files extensions
    投稿者: Arthur Lacoste
    Add more files extensions with a new field in your Medias Settings.
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    Correct Audio/Video Uploads
    投稿者: Sergey Biryukov
    Restores the ability to upload audio & video files in recent minor WordPress updates.
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    Force text/xml as MIME-type in the feed
    投稿者: Sergi Ambel
    Forces 'text/xml' as content-type for your blog's feed
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    Media Mime Types
    投稿者: Andriy Kuzyk
    Allow control mime types and filter them in media page
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    投稿者: plocha
    Sends public sites with the XHTML mime type. The internal sites, which have many XHTML errors, are still sent with the HTML mime type.