

35 プラグイン
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    Multi Device Switcher
    投稿者: thingsym
    Multi Device Switcher plugin allows you to set a separate theme for device (Smart Phone, Tablet PC, Mobile Phone, Game and custom).
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    Mobile Detect
    投稿者: Pothi Kalimuthu
    Fine-tunes wp_is_mobile function by excluding tablets (ex: iPad), from being detected as mobile! Uses MobileDetect PHP Library from mobiledetect.net!
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    Retina @2x
    投稿者: Wouter Postma
    A plugin that looks for retina images automatically based on the @2x naming convention.
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    Smart App Banner
    投稿者: Stephen Darlington
    This is a WordPress plugin that allows you to use Smart App Banners, introduced in iOS 6, with your WordPress blog.
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    Devices for Elementor
    投稿者: Namogo
    Devices for Elementor is a powerful Elementor widget that lets you add a phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or window / browser frame to your images or sc …
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    Photoswipe for NextGEN Gallery
    投稿者: Guillermo Señas
    The default NextGEN gallery navigations (Shutter, Thickbox, etc...) fall short when using a mobile browser?
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    isMobile() Shortcode for WordPress
    投稿者: jairoochoa
    This plugin works with the open source Mobile Detect Library. You can get further information on its website.
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    投稿者: Webpsilon S.C.P.
    Plugin that lets you create a slider very easy and with spectacular results.
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    投稿者: Gino Cote
    WPapptouch is a WordPress plugin & theme to transform your WordPress website to a Native like application for mobile.
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    App Reviews LITE
    投稿者: ADM Apps
    Carousel to display iOS app ratings & reviews right from the App Store in real time on your Wordpress site. No maintenance required.
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    iOS Smart App Banner For Safari
    投稿者: Carpe Mobile
    iOS Smart App Banner For Safari plugin quickly and easily displays app banners for your web users who are using mobile Safari on iOS.
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    AppStore Links
    投稿者: Stephan
    Plugin for easy linking to (Mac) AppStore Apps. You can use the PGH-ID for automatically creating Affiliate-Links
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    Responsive Checker
    投稿者: ncreative
    A plugin to check your website look on multiple devices.
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    投稿者: Appdp.com
    在你的博客里显示 Emoji 表情。Display Apple Emoji fonts(SoftBank) on your WordPress blog.
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    Mobile Device Detect Reloaded
    投稿者: Guilherme Desimon
    This wordpress plugin allows to redirect visitors (desktop, mobile) to a custom target URL, which can be specified in admin.
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    投稿者: Thierry Crouzet
    wp2epub generate ePub files directly from WordPress.
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    Push Notification iOS
    投稿者: Amin Benarieb
    This plugin allows you to send Push Notifications directly from your WordPress site to your iOS app.
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    APT Rich Snippets - Get rich snippets for your site on Google
    投稿者: APTOnline
    Add rich snippets and structured data to your Wordpress posts and get a higher click through rate on Google.
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    AppStore Lookup for Wordpress
    投稿者: Adam Dionne
    Adds shortcodes that display data from iOS and Mac AppStore applications.
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    iPad Rubberneck Disrupter
    投稿者: cubecolour
    Hides the WordPress login password as it is typed on your iPad or other IOS device.