

15 プラグイン
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    Ray Enterprise Translation
    投稿者: Ray Enterprise and Frédéric Demarle
    Convenient cloud-based localization and translation for WordPress.
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    WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer
    投稿者: WPGlobus
    WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer is an extension to the WPGlobus plugin.
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    International Phone Number Format
    投稿者: Mohamed Endisha
    The International Phone Number Format plugin allows you to effortlessly format and validate international phone numbers within WooCommerce and WordPre …
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    WPCasa Polylang
    投稿者: WPSight
    Add support for Polylang to manage WPCasa property data in multiple languages.
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    WPGlobus for Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
    投稿者: WPGlobus
    WPGlobus for Black Studio TinyMCE Widget is an extension to the WPGlobus plugin.
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    Per Product Flat Rate Shipping for WooCommerce
    投稿者: Jeff Sherk
    Set seperate flat-rate shipping costs for both Domestic and International shipping on a per product basis in WooCommerce.
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    International SEO by Transifex
    Translate your WordPress powered website using Transifex.
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    投稿者: Breno Alves
    Monk is a lightweight translation plugin to make your content reach the world.
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    Admin Bar Edit Links for Gravity Forms
    投稿者: Vladimir Anokhin
    Adds "Edit GForm" link to Admin Bar on pages with Gravity Forms shortcodes
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    投稿者: Dennis Ploetner
    Transforms the output of the Multisite Language Switcher to an HTML select
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    YD Setup Locale
    投稿者: Yann Dubois
    Automatically sets up the WP language environment based on first part of url. Will setup XML lang attribute + $locale variable.
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    Allinpay INTL
    投稿者: aipsg
    Description: Allinpay INTL is a WooCommerce payment gateway plugin that allows customers to make international payments using Allinpay.
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    MSLS Grouping
    投稿者: Asumaru Corp.
    You can multilingualize by "Multisite Language Switcher" with grouping the sites of the plural same languages.
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    WooCommerce SwipeZoom Global Payments and Shipping
    投稿者: WooThemes
    Start to welcome international customers, accept their payment and ship to their doorstep...within minutes!
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    投稿者: Leonard Lamprecht
    Show customized translations of your posts or pages for visitors from other nations.