

12 プラグイン
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    WordPress WPO Tweaks & Optimizations
    投稿者: Fernando Tellado
    WPO Optimizations, Improvements and Tweaks to Speed Up WordPress
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    WordPress Gzip Compression
    投稿者: James Socol
    Enables gzip-compression if the visitor's browser can handle it. This will speed up your WordPress website drastically and reduces bandwidth usag …
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    WP HTTP Compression
    投稿者: Steven de Salas
    This plugin allows your WordPress blog to output pages compressed in gzip format if a browser supports compression. HTTP compression generally means …
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    Advanced Speed Increaser
    投稿者: Animesh
    Advanced Speed Increaser is a light weighted plugin to speed up wordpress website by using GZIP compression and setting header expiration for images.
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    Instant Gzip Compression
    投稿者: RiotWeb
    Speed up your Wordpress website with this Gzip compression plugin.
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    Force gzip
    投稿者: Justin Shreve
    Implements gzip output compression to speed up load times and does a check to see if browsers are incorrectly saying that they do not support GZIP whe …
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    投稿者: Shamalt
    GZippy re-enables gzip compression under WordPress.
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    WP GZip
    投稿者: Lucas Milanez
    Simple plugin to enable or disable the GZip on your site. Only works on Apache servers
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    Optimizer For Faster Websites
    投稿者: Tobias Merz
    Optimizer For Faster Websites will make your Website faster by caching and compressing files.
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    WPCacheOn - WordPress Caching plugin
    投稿者: Jeffrey Cooper
    Simple and lightweight cache plugin for WordPress that will also enhance your website loading time and increase the scores at GTMetrix, Pingdom and ot …
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    Tweak Hidden Options
    投稿者: WPSOS
    Tweak Hidden Options is a safe and easy-to-use way to modify, tweak, and change various hidden options within WordPress.
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    Cache Using Gzip
    投稿者: Cache Using Gzip
    Creates gzipped files on your server to immensly improve page speed for site visitors