

15 プラグイン
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    Click to Call Button
    投稿者: Digital2Web
    Small floating click to call phone button for your website
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    Clear Floats Button
    投稿者: Graffino
    Adds clear float button to TinyMCE Editor.
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    Storefront Blog Excerpts
    投稿者: Wooassist
    Change the post content area on your archive pages to show the excerpt instead of the full content.
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    Juicy Contact Button
    投稿者: dmitrylitvinov
    The plugin displays a floating contact button with a flashing «Online» light and optional fields. If you want to place the widget in a specific locati …
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    Admin Sticky Sidebar
    投稿者: Tom Walter
    This plugin makes the right sidebar on post.php pages (where you edit a post) stick to the top of the screen when you scroll, so all functions of the …
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    Float Payment Gateway
    Take credit card payments on your store using the Float API.
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    WP Video Floater
    投稿者: Tiago Rodrigues
    This plugin will allow you to keep your videos playing floating at the bottom of the page as you scroll down.
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    Float FAQ
    投稿者: dmitrylitvinov
    Floating block with FAQ
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    Float My Icon
    投稿者: John Zhang
    Easily create floating icons at your website. Use its capabilities to place unique sidebar on the site.
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    Plugin Name: Chatwing Float Chatbox
    投稿者: chatwing
    Chatwing offers an unlimited live website/blog chat experience.This chat widget specializes in delivering real-time communication at any given time
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    Align Text Edge
    投稿者: saimeishi
    Align heading text and description by transparent image.
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    Float Content
    投稿者: cyberscriptsolutions
    Floating content, The visitors have to scroll to read the article on the page; however such scrolling hides the important content which you want to di …
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    Horizontal Tabs Plugin
    Horizontal tabs plugin enable to show unlimited posts in 3 tabs
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    float block
    投稿者: Computy
    The plugin displays floating down the block. In it, you can write the title and body text. You can put back the feedback form or links sponsors.
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    投稿者: Matt Lee
    This plugin allows you all the readers and viewers through QQ, MSN and e-mail to communicate with you.Support me by link to my website.