

29 プラグイン
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    Tilt Social Share Widget
    投稿者: Rui Oliveira
    Tilt Social Share Widget allows your users to quickly share your content on social sites. View "Description" tab for available services.
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    Social Bookmarking RELOADED
    投稿者: valent
    The Social Bookmarking RELOADED plugin for WordPress adds a list of XHTML compliant graphic links at the end of your posts and/or pages that allow you …
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    Social Profiles Sidebar Widget
    投稿者: H.-Peter Pfeufer
    Add a sidebarwidget for social profiles in you blog. Supports several sets of icons and three different iconsizes. 32, 64, and 128 Pixel.
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    Bookmark Me
    投稿者: Denis de Bernardy & Mike Koepke
    Adds buttons that let your visitors share your content on social media sites.
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    del.icio.us for Wordpress
    投稿者: Ricardo González
    del.icio.us for WordPress displays your latest del.icio.us bookmarks in your WordPress blog.
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    Social Buttons
    投稿者: Alex Pooley
    Selectively add social network buttons to your posts, or theme design.
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    delicious-plus widget
    投稿者: David Lynch
    Makes available a widget to display your recent links tagged with delicious.
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    投稿者: Pablo Gomez
    Postalicious is a WordPress plugin that automatically posts your delicious, Google Reader, Reddit, Yahoo Pipes, Jumptags, Pinboard, or Diigo bookmarks …
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    Delicious XML Importer
    投稿者: Guillermo Moreno, Stephanie Leary
    Lets you import your Delicious bookmarks into WordPress as links, posts, or a custom post type.
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    投稿者: Norman Yung
    Adds a social bookmarking menu to your posts/pages/index. Based on Josh Jones' SexyBookmarks plugin: http://eight7teen.com/sexy-bookmarks
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    WordPress Delicious Recent Bookmarks
    投稿者: Sarah Vessels
    Adds a widget for displaying your latest Delicious links.
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    Delicious Curator
    投稿者: Jonas Nordstrom
    Create WordPress post based on Delicious bookmarks
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    Bottom Bar
    投稿者: Svilen Popov
    Bottom Bar is a WordPress plugin that includes a several features for creating interactive and user-friendly toolbar.
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    delicious tagroll shortcode
    投稿者: Per Soderlind
    The delicious tagroll for WordPress plugin adds a new shortcode to WordPress, the [delicious_tagroll] shortcode.
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    Drag To Share
    投稿者: Adrian Apan
    "Drag to share" is the newest trend in social sharing. Just drag an image and drop it into any social website to share the whole page in rea …
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    Wordpress SocBookmark Plugin
    投稿者: fikret
    Socbookmark plugin integrates a table at bottom of single post to make post easy for sharing on bookmark sites
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    投稿者: John Lawrence
    Track the popularity of your posts on social bookmarking sites reddit, stumbleupon, del.icio.us and digg
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    投稿者: Sajith
    Providing option for bookmarking your blog post in stumble,technorati ,delicious and digg
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    del.icio.us cached++
    投稿者: João Craveiro
    del.icio.us cached++ displays a list of the latest bookmarks on a del.icio.us account, from its RSS feed, keeping the feed cached in the database.
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    Masdetalles Share
    投稿者: Ziltik
    Help people share, bookmark, and email your posts, pages, your favorite links through MasDetalles.do