

12 プラグイン
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    投稿者: Takayuki Miyoshi
    Listo はよく使われるリストを供給します。
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    Country Based Payments for WooCommerce
    投稿者: Ivan Paulin
    Choose which payment gateway will be available in country/countries.
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    Woo Add Custom States
    投稿者: Trusted Technology Solutions (TrusTech)
    A plugin used to add custom states or regions to any country which can be used during setting the shipping zones.
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    WooCommerce Country Based Bank Accounts
    投稿者: Marian Kadanka
    Select which BACS gateway bank accounts will be available in certain country/countries
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    Name: Visited Countries
    投稿者: Nic P
    Uses amMap's JavaScript maps to display a map of visited places via shortcode.
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    SADDED By SADAD Payment Gateway
    投稿者: Danial Jawaid
    This pluging of WooCommerce will enable SADDED By SADAD Payment Gateway option to your store.
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    Sell to Continents for WooCommerce
    投稿者: Digital Duck
    Adds the ability to effortlessly select all countries within a continent to sell or ship to.
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    Country Flags Info Widget
    投稿者: Stéphane Moitry
    Enables a widget in which you can display a list of country with flags, names and misc information.
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    WP Visited Countries
    投稿者: Amalia S.
    WP Visited Countries is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create and publish a map of the countries you have visited and lived.
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    Country Info Visual Editor (WYSIWYG) Button
    投稿者: Behzod Saidov
    Adds a visual editor button for pulling country info from The World Bank API.
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    WP Places I Have Been
    投稿者: Ben Watson
    An easy way to display the flags of the countries that you have visited on your Wordpress site.
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    Displaying Countries with their Capital and currencies
    投稿者: YO YO SETHI'S
    This plugin lets you show all countries with their Capitals and Currencies on whichever page you like just use shortcode[countries_list].