

25 プラグイン
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    TinyPNG - JPEG, PNG & WebP image compression
    投稿者: TinyPNG
    Speed up your website. Optimize your JPEG, PNG, and WebP images automatically with TinyPNG.
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    Disable Bulk Smush Limit of WP Smushit
    投稿者: obiPlabon
    Disable bulk smush limit and enjoy a premium feature of WP Smushit completely FREE 😉
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    Disable JPEG Compression
    投稿者: Yonatan Ganot
    Disable the JPEG compression in WordPress, which enabled by default.
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    WP Resized Image Quality
    投稿者: Mike Bijon, Etch Software
    Get better uploaded quality or save bandwidth: Change the JPEG compression-level of uploaded images and thumbnails.
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    WordPress Gzip Compression
    投稿者: James Socol
    Enables gzip-compression if the visitor's browser can handle it. This will speed up your WordPress website drastically and reduces bandwidth usag …
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    WP HTTP Compression
    投稿者: Steven de Salas
    This plugin allows your WordPress blog to output pages compressed in gzip format if a browser supports compression. HTTP compression generally means …
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    Instant Gzip Compression
    投稿者: RiotWeb
    Speed up your Wordpress website with this Gzip compression plugin.
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    Image Quality
    投稿者: Gagan Deep Singh
    Lets you adjust the quality of image thumbnails that WordPress generates.
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    Image Optimizer for Google Lighthouse
    投稿者: Evan Norton
    Upload a JSON file generated by Google's Lighthouse website auditing tool and this plugin will compress and replace all flagged images using the …
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    Force gzip
    投稿者: Justin Shreve
    Implements gzip output compression to speed up load times and does a check to see if browsers are incorrectly saying that they do not support GZIP whe …
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    WP GZip
    投稿者: Lucas Milanez
    Simple plugin to enable or disable the GZip on your site. Only works on Apache servers
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    投稿者: Bogdan Bendziukov
    The Squeeze plugin for WordPress allows you to easily optimize and compress images on your website using the Squoosh.app service.
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    WP Squish
    投稿者: WP Zone
    Reduce the amount of storage space consumed by your WordPress installation through the application of user-definable JPEG compression levels and image …
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    Open Beacon MP4 Conversion and Compression
    投稿者: Thabo David Klass
    Easily convert video to MP4 and compress existing MP4 files to smaller sizes for WordPress media or to save locally for a variety of other uses.
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    投稿者: Ainsley Clark
    Squidge is a FREE WordpPress Plugin built for developers in mind compressing and convert images using jpegoptim, optipng, cwebp, and libavif.
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    Spreebie Transcoder – Resize, Compress and Store Video
    投稿者: Spreebie
    SPREEBIE TRANSCODER is a WordPress plugin that resizes, compresses and stores MP4 video via FFmpeg and Google Cloud Storage.
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    WP TinyPNG
    投稿者: Optimising
    WP TinyPNG utilise the TinyPNG API to compress your PNG images neatly within WordPress.
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    WP Google PageSpeed Image Optimizer Lite
    投稿者: R3dRidl3
    This plugin will optimize your images exactly like Google Pagespeed Insights This plugin is for all those people who are struggling with Google sayin …
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    WP Boyka
    投稿者: Salvatore Fresta
    This plugin increases your website's performance by reducing image size without an apparent change for the human eye.
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    Another simple image optimizer
    投稿者: Raffael Jesche
    Automatically optimize uploaded images using the Spatie image-optimizer library and binary files on your host system (e. g. jpegoptim, optipng)