

10 プラグイン
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    Content character count live
    投稿者: o----o
    Counts charaters live while you write your content. Works for any kind of "post type" out of the box.
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    Decon Character Counter
    投稿者: Michael Tumlad
    Counts the title, content, and excerpt characters while you edit your post or page (even in Quick Edit).
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    Special Characters Remove
    投稿者: Sirius Pro
    Simply Remove Special Characters from WordPress attachments, slugs and permalinks.
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    Count Post Signs
    投稿者: Florian TIAR
    Counts signs (characters and spaces) in real time while you are writing your content. Works for any kind of "post type" out of the box.
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    Vampire Character Manager
    投稿者: Jane Houston
    For managing characters for LARPs and online vampire games.
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    Corner Bracket Lover
    投稿者: Tunghsiao Liu
    Corner Bracket Lover converts all curly quotation marks (“” and ‘’) in your posts to traditional corner brackets (「」 and 『』).
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    WoWTag Widget
    投稿者: Timothy 'SeiferTim' Ian Hely
    Enter your Character's name and realm and a WoWTag displaying your avatar, name, race, class, guild, level and title will be placed on your site.
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    WoW Armory
    投稿者: Tim (SeiferTim) Hely
    Easily displays your character's stats from the Armory.
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    gw2pcl - Guild Wars 2 Player's Character List
    投稿者: max.mueller
    Users can manage their own Guild Wars 2 characters. A list of all characters or all characters of one player can be integrated in any post or page.
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    投稿者: plocha
    Converts all character entity references, which are forbidden in XHTML, into their corresponding characters.