
All-Inclusive Vacation Rental Calculator

Plugin is a comprehensive utility for admin to define all costs and fees on per property basis. Users benefit from knowing total out-of-pocket cost.
November 30, 2015
All-Inclusive Vacation Rental Calculator

Person Place Code (pp-Code) team has 10+ years of expertise in hospitality and vacation rental industry. Service quality and cost transparency are two key elements to establish trust among online customer base. Given multitude of different fees and how they vary on per location basis, no existing calculator covers all to provide a total out-of-pocket cost to users (potential guests).The purpose of this plugin is the ensure rental cost transparency. The plugin allows admins (i.e. vacation rental owners or managers) to pre-define, per property basis, all required costs and fees with respective applicability. Their potential guests can easily calculate the total cost of their stay with out having to know all different costs and fees.

We highly welcome your feedback or suggestions. You may contact us at Please use short code [pp-code-vacation] to display and use of the plugin. The Google Maps API is used to take the addresses from the google.

Note: From the settings screen in the admin section you can enter per night price (regular and seasonal rates), different taxes and fees that apply to a given property.


  • Provides a complete all-inclusive total cost-of-stay to vacationers with out requiring them know all different fees and taxes.
  • Property owners or managers can define all possible cost elements with respective applicabilty e.g. per stay, per night, fixed or %age.
  • Since cost elements and respective applicabilty vary per location, they are defined per location basis.
  • If some costs (such as cleaning fee) only-apply for stays of certain length, calculator allows defining it.
  • Seasonal rates can be defined and calculator applies them per the dates selected by the vacationers.
  • Supports option for currency type per location.

  • For detailed instructions on the plugin features and it’s use, please refer to:

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