
AI Engine

WordPress のための AI。チャットボット、コンテンツ / 画像ジェネレーター、CoPilot、Finetuning、内部 API、GPT、Gemini など ! 洗練された UI と最高のカスタマイズ可能性。
June 23, 2024
AI Engine

Create your own chatbot, craft content and images, coordinate AI-related work using templates, enjoy swift title and excerpt recommendations, play with AI Copilot in the editor for faster work, track statistic and usage, and more! The AI Playground offers a range of AI tools, including translation, correction, SEO, suggestions, and others. There is also an internal API so other plugins can tap into its capabilities. We’ll be adding even more AI tools and features to the AI Engine based on your feedback.

必ず免責事項をお読みください。より詳しいチュートリアルや情報については、AI Engine 公式サイトをご確認ください。


Unlock the full potential of AI technology on your website with AI Engine. This powerful plugin integrates seamlessly with top AI models from OpenAI, Anthropic, and Google, including GPT-4o, GPT-4 and Vision, offering unparalleled versatility and innovation.

  • Engage with Ease: Instantly enhance your site’s interaction by integrating a ChatGPT-like chatbot. This isn’t just any chatbot; it’s a gateway to engaging, dynamic conversations that captivate your visitors.
  • Create and Innovate: Generate fresh, engaging content effortlessly. Whether you’re brainstorming new post ideas or drafting up engaging articles, AI Engine handles it all swiftly—letting you focus on creativity and growth.
  • Streamline with AI CoPilot: Directly within the WordPress editor, AI CoPilot is ready to assist. Just hit space, type your query, and watch as it suggests edits, finds synonyms, or translates text. It’s like having a little magic wand for your content!
  • Explore the AI Playground: Dive into a world where your ideas come to life. The AI Playground offers a space to experiment with AI capabilities—from creating unique templates to simulating custom scenarios. Imagine drafting restaurant reviews or concocting recipes based on what’s in your fridge—all in moments.
  • Train Your AI: Tailor your AI to understand your audience better. With custom training using your website’s own data, your AI becomes more intuitive and responsive, providing a more personalized experience for your visitors.
  • Keep It Clean: Use our advanced moderation tools to maintain a friendly and safe environment on your site, ensuring content remains respectful and engaging.
  • Voice to Text: Bring accessibility to the forefront with our Speech-to-Text feature powered by Whisper API. It’s easy for users to interact with your website using just their voice.
  • Smarter Interactions: With embeddings, your chatbot becomes smarter, understanding the context of interactions better and delivering more relevant responses.
  • Insightful Analytics: Keep track of everything with built-in usage statistics. Understand how your AI tools are performing and optimize them for better efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Extend with APIs: Our internal API opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to customize and integrate AI features in ways that best suit your site’s needs.

Beyond the Features

AI Engine offers its own internal API (including a REST API). This allows you to integrate AI capabilities into your WordPress website, no-coding solutions, and more. It has been officially integrated with many plugins to enhance their functionality. Here are a few examples:

My Dream for AI

私は、AI がもたらす無限の可能性にわくわくしています。生成されたコンテンツでインターネットを支配してやろうというだけでなく、AI が有益に使用される世界を切望せずにはいられません。私の夢は、AI が私たちの生産性を高め、新しい声が世の中に届くように活用されることです (実のところ、誰もがネイティブスピーカーというわけではないし、文章が苦手という人もいるでしょう)。そして退屈なタスクで時間を消費せずに済むようになりますから、私たちは愛する人や周りの世界ともっと貴重な瞬間を過ごすことができます。



AI Engine is a plugin that helps you to connect your websites to AI services. You need your own API keys and must follow the rules set by the AI service you choose. For OpenAI, check their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It is also important to check your usage on the OpenAI website for accurate information. Please do so with other services as well.

The developer of AI Engine and related parties are not responsible for any issues or losses caused by using the plugin or AI-generated content. You should talk to a legal expert and follow the laws and regulations of your country. AI Engine does only store data on your own server, and it is your responsibility to keep it safe. AI Engine’s full disclaimer is here.


SiteGround Optimizer や Ninja Firewall など、特定のキャッシュまたはパフォーマンスプラグインと競合する可能性があることに注意してください。問題を防ぐには、AI エンジンがこれらのプラグインから除外されていることを確認してください。


  1. OpenAI でアカウントを作成します。
  2. API キーを生成し、プラグイン設定 (Meow Apps -> AI Engine) に貼り付けます。
  3. AI Engine の機能をお楽しみください !
  4. … and always keep an eye on your OpenAI usage!

言語: 英語。

無料Creator プランを利用中
インストールすることで、 の利用規約サードパーティ製プラグインの規約に同意したとみなされます。
このプラグインをダウンロードして、インストール型 WordPress のインストールに使用できます。