
Yahoo! Emoticons for Custom Smilies 2.3

I use Custom Smilies 2.3 plugin. However, I prefer Yahoo! emoticons. This is a tweak to allow use of those emoticons with Custom Smilies 2.3.
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March 24, 2010
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Works with Custom Smilies 2.3!

I use Custom Smilies 2.3 plugin. However, I prefer the Yahoo! Messenger emoticons. So, I did some digging, found them all, then tweaked my plugin to use those emoticons. Yahoo! Emoticons for Custom Smilies 2.3 is a tweak for the plugin Custom Smilies 2.3 found at . This updates files within that plugin so that you can use Yahoo! Emoticons with your WordPress installation. To save some time for anyone else who wants to do this, I’ve made this tweak available for everyone.

Important: If something breaks, please keep in mind that I’ve only added smilies to an existing plugin. If you have problems, I recommend uninstalling this plugin and downloading the original plugin to see if it works first:

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.