Everyone knows doodle It's a cute plattform to poll, to find the best meeting date or place, to make a decision with many people.
Terakhir diperbarui
June 17, 2018
Instalasi aktif

Everyone knows doodle It’s a cute plattform to poll, to find the best meeting date or place, to make a decision with many people.

With this plugin you can create very simple doodles in your wordpress installation.

WPdoodlez are own post type and very similar to a post. A WPdoodle extends a post and uses custom fields to set possible answers.

  • A link to WPdoodle ist public but not published everywhere
  • A WPdoodle can be in a review and be published at given time
  • A WPdoodle can have own URL
  • Poll users must not be valid logged in wordpress users
  • Users with “delete published post” rights can delete votes
  • Users name will be stored in a cookie for 30 days (user can change only his own vote, but on the same computer)
  • Every custom field set in a WPdoodle is a possible answer
  • The first value of the custom field will be displayed in the row as users answer
  • The last row in the table contains total votes count
Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.