
WP2Speed Faster – Optimize PageSpeed Insights Score 90-100

WP2Speed ​​is a Google PageSpeed ​​Insights speed optimization plugin. Use it to speed up your WordPress site, improve SEO rankings, and reduce Google …
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September 13, 2022
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WP2Speed Faster – Optimize PageSpeed Insights Score 90-100

Google has been using pagespeed as a ranking factor since 2010 . And in 2018, Google raised the bar with the Pagespeed update . Website speed affects user experience and conversion rates.

Why is the web speed slow, SEO rankings decrease? Page load speed is determined by various factors, including web code optimization, Hosting/Server Cache and image optimization.

This plugin will do Optimize & Speed ​​Up WordPress Website as bellow:

  • Minify Javascript and CSS
  • Create & Optimize Critical CSS
  • Optimize Google Fonts
  • Optimizing Lazy-loading
  • Enable Gzip compression
  • Remove render blocking resources
  • Reduce HTTP requests
  • Advanced Web-App optimization techniques
  • PageSpeed ​​Insights >90-100 (95% URLs, Mobile & PC) Core Web Vitals (LCP, FID and CLS) improve gradually after 28 days Validate the fix.Percentage pass depends on Device & User Network.
  • Improved web speed
  • No broken interface layout, no loss of image quality, no feature conflicts
  • Update theme/plugin does not reduce Pagespeed

Social: Youtube channel User manual: Developer:

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.