Enhance login experience with a customized login, registration, and lost password page. Activate and enjoy a seamless branded login area.
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February 3, 2024
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Easy White Label

Transform your WordPress login experience with the Easy White Label plugin. Tailor your login, registration, and lost password pages to match your brand’s style and identity, offering a consistent and professional look across your site.

After activating the plugin, you can either tweak various settings to suit your branding needs or enjoy the immediate enhancement it brings to your login page. From changing the logo to customizing the background, this plugin offers an array of options to personalize your login area.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Login Header: Modify the login page header, including background color and description text.
  • Logo Personalization: Replace the default WordPress logo with your brand’s logo and customize the link it directs to.
  • Form Alignment & Style: Adjust the login form’s alignment and inject custom CSS for unique styling.
  • Background Customization: Set a custom background image, size, repeat, position, and color to align with your brand’s aesthetic.
  • Enhanced Footer: Personalize the WordPress login page footer for a complete branded experience.

Designed for simplicity, the plugin offers intuitive settings and defaults that require no adjustments. However, should you wish to fine-tune your login page, the options are readily available and easy to navigate.

Access the plugin settings via Appearance > Customize > White Label Login Options in your WordPress dashboard.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.