
WP Login Alerts by DigiP

E-mails the site owner if anyone reaches or attempts to login to the site. Also shows the user names they attempt to login with.
Terakhir diperbarui
April 16, 2014
Instalasi aktif
WP Login Alerts by DigiP

This is a Security focused plug-in, which will send an email to the Administrator of the WordPress site each time login page is reached.

If someone attempts to login, it will also send the user name they tried logging in with, as well as their IP address, User-Agent, Timestamp, and the Referral URL.

If you see multiple attempts to login at times you are not logged on to the site, this means someone is attempting to brute force their way into your site, and you should ban the offending IP address from your site. Especially if they are trying multiple names, or sending them rapidly, one after another.

Thank you for using my plug-in!

We offer a variety of other products and security solutions for WordPress and web site security. We’re in the process of releasing our WordPress Attack Scanner, as well as a Firewall based version of the same scanner for paid subscribers.

For more info on these tools and products, please visit and bookmark, and if you like this Login Alerts Plug-in, please donate to this project.

I look forward to feedback from my users, as well as feature requests. All and any feedback welcome!

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.