
WP Job Manager - Application Deadline

Allow job listers to set a closing date via a new field on the job submission form.
Terakhir diperbarui
June 28, 2024

Allow job listers to add a closing date

Application deadline adds a date field to the job submission form.

Display dates in your listings

Closing dates get displayed on your job listings and change color/icon based on whether they are expiring or expired. This add-on also adds a new sorting option for your jobs shortcodes, simply add orderby="deadline" to sort job listings by the application closing date. Features:
  • Add a “closing date” field for job listings
  • Jobs can be made to automatically expire after the closing date passes
  • Optionally sort job listings by closing date
Anda memilih plugin. Kami akan mengurusnya untuk Anda.
Dikelola Penuh

Plugin premium dikelola sepenuhnya oleh tim di Tanpa perbaikan keamanan. Tanpa pembaruan yang ribet. Otomatis berfungsi.

Ribuan plugin

Kami sediakan yang Anda butuhkan. Dari plugin premium hingga ribuan plugin yang dibuat komunitas.

Harga fleksibel

Bayar tahunan lebih hemat. Atau bayar bulanan agar lebih fleksibel. Pilih yang sesuai kebutuhan Anda.