
wp Hosting Performance Check

Records the performance of your wp hosting server, display graphs , software levels, benchmark, and load test.
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August 24, 2018
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wp Hosting Performance Check

This plugin will record the performance of your wp Hosting company.

Ever noticed your site seems to perform OK when you check, but other folk say its slow later. Like gremlins are getting in and making it slower ?

It’s often difficult to know how your wp web site is performing, and how real end users are experiencing the performance of your wp web site.

This plugin will display graphs of the performance of the server (so you’ll be able to see what the gremlins are doing).

It also tracks performance of the web page load speed, which includes all the assets jpg/png/css/js.

You’ll be able to view graphs for different periods of time, to see how your server is performing, and how real world users are observing the performance of your wp site.

You’ll be able to observe when the server is sluggish, or when it is fast.

It is designed to run async, so any performance hit is after the end user’s web page has finished loading. This should result in no impact to your WordPress website delivering pages.

It also has a feature to email you when the server response becomes unacceptably slow.

New Features – ability to load test your WordPress website – see how many visitors you can comfortably accommodate. – ability to benchmark your current hosting against other hosting companies – technology index – to give you an idea of how good/poor the technology your WordPress site is running on – artificial benchmark of php and mysql (on the sysinfo page for now). – php and technology index on the hosting comparison pages. – bot analysis – how much resources are bot consuming ?

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.