
Maximum Quantity for WooCommerce Shops

Set a limit for the maximum quantity that can be added to the WooCommerce cart, globally or per product.
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June 30, 2024
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Maximum Quantity for WooCommerce Shops

Maximum Quantity for WooCommerce Shops is a simple extension for WooCommerce that only does one thing: it lets you set a maximum limit for the number of items that can be added to the cart, for each product, per order.

It’s like one of those signs at the grocery store that says, “LIMIT 2 PER CUSTOMER!”. This plugin will not add a sign like that, but the quantity input field will hit a limit.

You can set a global limit to affect all products in your WooCommerce store or, if you prefer, a different limit for each product, individually. Each product’s own limit will always override the global limit.

This works for all products in your WooCommerce store: Simple and Variable products.

Customers do not have to be logged in for this to work. This works for guest buyers, as well as logged-in buyers.

This plugin was initially developed by Isabel Castillo and later adopted by Marco Almeida | Webdados / PT Woo Plugins.

Header photo by Mick Haupt.

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