Plugin instals a widget of product navigation tree .
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December 20, 2016
Instalasi aktif
Woo Products Tree

Woo Products Tree is a simple plugin which adds a widget displaying navigation tree of products and categories on your WooCommerce store.

Widget opens current product category and highlights viewing product there. Allows customer open and close other categories in tabs and directly go to the item of interest.

Widget can shows or hide price, product image, put images to the right or to the left side from the products list. For best site color combination widget provides adjustment its main color.

Only two levels of categories inserts available in current free version. If you like and need in this product, please support us how it possible, then we will continue creation. Thank You!

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.