Simple yet flexible weight-based shipping for WooCommerce
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June 22, 2024
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WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping

Weight Based Shipping is a simple yet flexible shipping method for WooCommerce focused mainly on the order weight (but not limited to) to calculate shipping cost. The plugin allows you to add multiple rules based on various conditions.


  • Order weight, subtotal and destination Create as many shipping rules as you need for different order destinations, weight and subtotal ranges.


  • Flexible Price Calculation Each rule can be configured to expose a constant price (like Flat Rate) or a progressive price based on the cart weight, or both.


  • Conditional Free Shipping The plugin allows you to set up a free shipping threshold.


  • Shipping Classes Support (available in the Plus version) For each shipping class you have you can override the way shipping price is calculated for it.

See screenshots for the list of all supported options.

Also, check out our advanced table rate shipping plugin for WooCommerce.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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