Limits traffic and download bandwidth of media files. Additionally this plugin includes a download statistic system.
Terakhir diperbarui
October 24, 2009

Traffic Limiter is a useful addon for blogs with many media files which can cause high data traffic. There are three traffic limits to avoid over traffic costs: daily, weekly and monthly limit. If one of these limits is exceeded downloads will either be redirected to a custom URL or a custom message is displayed. For images you can define a fallback icon which is displayed instead of the message. Additionally a download bandwidth can be set for registered users and guests.

Also included is a statistic system which displays the current traffic consumption and individual file stats to see which media produces the most traffic.

All files are sent to the browser by a PHP script, supporting the most HTTP headers like If-Modified-Since (for caching) and Range (for partial downloads)

If the Apache extension mod_rewrite is installed download links stay the same, if not links to media files are automatically redirected. It is recommended to install mod_rewrite, although this plugin works without this extension.

Note: If you provide lots of downloads or media files you should try my download manager WP-Filebase.

Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.