
Tmoni WooCommerce Payment Gateway

The Tmoni WooCommerce Payment Gateway allows merchants (you) to accept micro-payments for digital content on your WooCommerce store.
Terakhir diperbarui
February 10, 2017

Tmoni is a digital wallet created to facilitate payments for small-value transactions online. It provides you with a simple & secure means to accept payments and buyers, an easy-to-use payment solution that is directly linked to their bank account & mobile device.

The Tmoni WooCommerce Plugin allows you to accept payment directly from users who have linked their bank accounts to a mobile phone number on your WooCommerce store. Using this plugin, you can accept payments for any form of digital content on your website without being charged a setup fee.

To Begin

Sign Up as a merchant on Tmoni by visiting the website here(*coming soon)


This plugin is meant for merchants who want to accept payments from users in Nigeria. This plugin can be used by merchants both local and international Nigeria. This plugin does not support non-digital goods.


  • Accept payment directly from bank accounts.
  • Seamless integration into the WooCommerce checkout page.

Some Features Include

  • This plugin logs each payment transaction that is made via the Tmoni WooCommerce Payment Gateway plugin in your WordPress website.
  • It also allows you to view the full details of the each transaction without visiting Tmoni website.
  • You can also search for transaction via its transaction id.
  • Plus much more.
Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.