
Sold Out Badge for WooCommerce

Display a "Sold Out!" badge on out-of-stock products. Show the text and colors you want. Perfect for artists, artisans, real estate professionals...
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May 30, 2023
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Sold Out Badge for WooCommerce

Display a “Sold Out!” badge on out-of-stock products. When a WooCommerce product becomes out of stock, this plugin will show a badge on thumbnail with the text you will have defined.

This plugin was initially created to help people and companies selling unique products or services, like artists, artisans, real estate professionals, etc. It is often beneficial for them to keep showing sold out (out of stock) products on their websites, while displaying a message indicating that the product can’t be sold anymore.

However, this plugin can be used by anyone wanting to display any text in a badge when a product is out of stock.

It is also possible to display a badge on backorder products.

Usage & Documentation

You can customize options in Settings > Sold Out Badge for WooCommerce

What can I customize in this plugin ?

  • Badge text (you can replace “Sold Out” with any text you want, like “Out of stock” or “Coming Soon“)
  • Badge background color
  • Badge text color
  • Badge font size
  • Badge width
  • Badge height
  • An option to hide “Sale” badge if you get an overlap (checked by default)


Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.