Optimize the caching behavior of your Website the easy way and reload pages only if something has been changed.
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August 4, 2017
Instalasi aktif
Smart WordPress

Optimize the caching behavior of your Website! Smart WordPress by Velocious.io only reloads pages if something has been changed.

A huge number of users abandon websites that are slow to load. That’s no surprise! No one likes to browse a slow site!

With Smart WP you are able to make your WordPress page load in a better way: Your content gets stored in your visitors browsers and is only reloaded if something changed.

This way you can reduce the performance of your and provide your users with an improved experience.

Your users will love it!

By using Smart WordPress you are able to:

  • change the configuration of your ETags
  • modify the configuration of the Last-Modified Header
  • alter the configuration of the Cache-Control Header

Acknowledges: This plugin is based on the excellent work by George Notaras. It is a fork of his deprecated Add Headers Plugin – a plugin I have used myself for a bunch of years.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.